Data management

Ludovic Dutoit, July 2021


This session covers the essential of data management for a project on NeSI. It starts with a bit of general thinking before moving into some NeSI specifics.

Good habits

  • Always have your data in at least two places.
  • Never edit your raw data.
  • Use informative file names: filtered_data.txtis meaningless on its own. data_noMISSINGDATAremoved12lowqual.csv is much better.
  • Avoid proprietary formats
  • Have a readme file
  • Your methods are easily transportable, and should bring anyone from raw data to results. Put your efforts there, Try to see files as checkpoints, not at the center of your structure.
  • Use version control (i.e.

Tips and tricks for data management on NeSI

If you do not have access to NeSI yet, apply here. Free, powerful, and maintained for you!

There are essentially 3 file systems on NeSI.

They are explained here.

How to check your usage?

nn_storage_quota # check your quotas, specific to NeSI
du -h # Show the size of every directory in the data structure.
du -h | grep -E "^[0-9]+G" # check all the directories in the Gb range

That is all good and well, but we sometimes end up with huge quantity of small files, can we have an infinity of those? No, files are assiocated to metadata, an empty file still takes some space for metadata on the system. That space is referred to as inodes, and they can also reach a quota.

echo "Inode usage for $(pwd)" ; for d in `find -maxdepth 1 -type d | cut -d\/ -f2 | grep -xv . | sort`; do c=$(find $d | wc -l) ; printf "$c\t\t- $d\n" ; done ; printf "Total: \t\t$(find $(pwd) | wc -l)\n" # This counts the inodes

Where are those backups anyway?

cd  # Brings you home
cd .snapshots
ls -lh 

You got one week of backups there. Whether it is that exact folder or its content.

Same inside the /nesi/project/ but not in ‘nobackup’

cd /nesi/nobackup/uooXXXXX # go to your nobackup directory
mkdir tmp_data
touch sample{0001..1000}.fastq

Wow, we have a 1000 files here. You’d like to use them from your nobackup inside your normal project

cd  /nesi/project/uooXXXXX # go to your  project directory

Let’s create a link:

ln -s  /nesi/nobackup/uooXXXXX/tmp_data/ . # create a soft link here. "." is for here

Have a look inside:

ld -lh
ls -lh tmp_data/

Yay it is all here, we basically created a shortcut without duplicating the files.

Let’s remove it now:

rm -r  tmp_data/ # -r is needed to remove a directory

Is the original folder still there?

ls -lh  /nesi/nobackup/uooXXXXX/tmp_data/


Still not enough space? Ask first, if it is not enough, you can get data on the high capacity storage (HCS) of the university too.