
Resource for Genotype-by-Sequencing in Ecology and Evolution workshop

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Filtering your SNPs

Developed by: Alana Alexander

Other filtering parameters

There are a boat load of additional filters/options you could apply to your data set, and also a boatload of differing opinions on why and whether you should further filter your SNP set! Some filters you might consider (credit to the creators of ipyrad for references for these):

If you are interested in any of these further filtering steps, I’d highly encourage you to check out this tutorial from the dDocent folks for using VCFtools, which walks through several of these filtering steps (any filtering steps that aren’t covered in this tutorial, will be covered in the extensive VCFtools documentation)

Do I even need to filter at all?

Instead of filtering at the genotype level, other alternatives include using pipelines that can handle and calculate population-level statistics for low depth data at a population level rather than individual level (e.g. ANGSD, Genotype‐free estimation of allele frequencies reduces bias and improves demographic inference from RADSeq data), or incorporate the biases from low-depth in individual level calculations e.g. KGD.

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